=== Grow === Contributors: thinkupthemes Requires at least: 5.0 Tested up to: 6.0 Requires PHP: 5.6 Version: 1.5.7 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Tags: black, dark, orange, red, blue, brown, one-column, two-columns, three-columns, right-sidebar, left-sidebar, fixed-layout, responsive-layout, fluid-layout, custom-header, custom-menu, full-width-template, theme-options, threaded-comments, featured-images, post-formats, sticky-post, translation-ready, flexible-header, gray, light, white, custom-background, grid-layout, footer-widgets, blog, e-commerce, education, entertainment, news, photography, portfolio == Description == Grow is the free version of the multi-purpose professional theme (Grow Pro) ideal for a business or blog website. The theme has a responsive layout, HD retina ready and comes with a powerful theme options panel with can be used to make awesome changes without touching any code. The theme also comes with a full width easy to use slider. Easily add a logo to your site and create a beautiful homepage using the built-in homepage layout. Grow is perfect for any type of website including web agency businesses, traditional blogs, portfolios and photography websites. It's also a great fit for corporate business and freeelancer websites. Grow if fully response, had a clean, modern design with a minimal feel. Plus it's SEO friendly and full compatible with leading ecommerce and translation plugins such as WooCommerce, WPML and Polylang. Grow is the perfect theme for any business. == Installation == 1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance -> Themes and click the 'Add New' button. 2. Type in Grow in the search form and press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard. 3. Click on the 'Activate' button to use your new theme right away. 4. Go to Appearance - About Grow in the admin area of your website for a guide on how to customize this theme. 5. Navigate to Appearance > Customize in your admin panel and customize to taste. == Frequently Asked Questions == For support for Grow (free) please post a support ticket over at the https://wordpress.org/support/theme/grow. == Limitations == Limitations will be added when raised. == Copyright == Grow WordPress Theme, Copyright 2021 Think Up Themes Ltd Grow is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL The following opensource projects, graphics, fonts, API's or other files as listed have been used in developing this theme. Thanks to the author for the creative work they made. All creative works are licensed as being GPL or GPL compatible. [1.01] Item: Underscores (_s) starter theme - Copyright: Automattic, automattic.com Item URL: http://underscores.me/ Licence: Licensed under GPLv2 or later Licence URL: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html [1.02] Item: Redux Framework Item URL: https://github.com/ReduxFramework/ReduxFramework Licence: GPLv3 Licence URL: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html [1.03] Item: PrettyPhoto Item URL: http://www.no-margin-for-errors.com/projects/prettyphoto-jquery-lightbox-clone/ Licence: GPLv2 Licence URL: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html [1.04] Item: ImagesLoaded Item URL: https://github.com/desandro/imagesloaded Licence: MIT Licence URL: http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html [1.05] Item: Waypoints Item URL: https://github.com/imakewebthings/jquery-waypoints Licence: MIT Licence URL: http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html [1.06] Item: ResponsiveSlides Item URL: https://github.com/viljamis/ResponsiveSlides.js Licence: MIT Licence URL: http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html [1.07] Item: ScrollUp Item URL: https://github.com/markgoodyear/scrollup Licence: MIT Licence URL: http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html [1.08] Item: Font Awesome Item URL: http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/#license Licence: SIL Open Font & MIT Licence OFL: http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=OFL Licence MIT: http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html [1.09] Item: Twitter Bootstrap (including images) Item URL: https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap/wiki/License Licence: Apache 2.0 Licence URL: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 == Changelog == = 1.5.7 - Updated: Improved accessibility for links in content area. = 1.5.6 - Fixed: Function str_contains replaced with strpos to ensure compatiliby with PHP before v8. - Fixed: Fallback compatibility added for wp_body_open() to ensure compatibility with all version of WP v5. = 1.5.5 - Fixed: Link to docs on customizer page fixed. = 1.5.4 - Updated: Recommended plugins updated. = 1.5.3 - Fixed: Theme welcome notice prevented from re-appearing when dismissed by user. - Updated: Recommended plugins added. = 1.5.2 - Removed: Custom CSS option removed from theme options. Feature is available in core. = 1.5.1 - Updated: Improved translation in theme toolbox. = 1.5.0 - Updated: Theme toolbox moved to top level menu page. = 1.4.2 - Updated: Tested up to version updated to ensure users know full compatibility with WordPress v5.7. = 1.4.1 - Fixed: Slider and homepage featured areas show publicly when relevant sections saved in the customizer. = 1.4.0 - Fixed: Improved accessibility. Links in content areas underlined. - Fixed: Improved accessibility. Outline displays correctly on logo and buttons. - Updated: Improved keyboard navigation support added. - Updated: Copyright date updated to be 2021 within readme.txt. - Updated: Responsive navigation menu can be toggled with "Enter" button when focused. = 1.3.14 - Updated: Requires at least version updated to be 5.0. - Updated: Tested up to version updated to ensure users know full compatibility with WordPress v5.7. = 1.3.13 - Updated: Tested up to version updated to ensure users know full compatibility with WordPress v5.6.0. = 1.3.12 - New: "Tested up to" header field added to style.css. - New: "Requires PHP" header field added to style.css. - New: wp_body_open() add after body tag in header.php. = 1.3.11 - Updated: Copyright date updated to be 2020 within readme.txt. = 1.3.10 - Updated: Tested up to version updated to ensure users know full compatibility with WordPress v5.2.3. = 1.3.9 - Updated: Tested up to version updated to ensure users know full compatibility with WordPress v5.1.1. = 1.3.8 - Updated: "Requires PHP" information added to readme.txt. = 1.3.7 - Updated: Improved escaping of breadcrumbs output in 00.theme-setup.php. - Removed: License folder removed and license in style.css linked directly to GPL page. = 1.3.6 - New: Function thinkup_custom_introclass() added to add css "intro-on" class to body tag. - Fixed: Search page results display same as blog page when layout 1 style 2 is selected. - Updated: Description for pre-header style layout change to be correct "light" and "dark" options. = 1.3.5 - Updated: Screenshot updated to comply with latst wordpress.org guidelines to not show descriptive text. = 1.3.4 - Updated: All upgrade links changed to point directly to https. - Updated: Global variables for $thinkup_homepage_sliderimageX_image changed to point to 'url' in array. = 1.3.3 - Updated: Color tags removed from style.css. - Updated: Theme and author url's in style.css updated to use https. = 1.3.2 - Updated: main-frontend.js updated to be consistent with all themes. - Updated: style-shortcodes.css updated to be consistent with all themes. = 1.3.1 - Updated: Function thinkup_title_select_cpt() added remove "archive" text from custom post type archive pages. = 1.3.0 - Updated: Readme file updated to ensure format is consistent with upcoming wordpress.org update to align themes with plugin directory. = 1.2.8 - Updated: Improved checks for 'edit_theme_options' capability to ensure demo content only displays to site admins. = 1.2.7 - Updated: Sidebar layouts now applied using css classes instead of loading separate stylesheets. = 1.2.6 - Updated: Improved escaping in function thinkup_title_select() to ensure page title displays correctly. = 1.2.5 - Fixed: WooCommerce v3+ gallery support added, ensured image zoom function works correctly. = 1.2.4 - Updated: Improved comment count in comments.php. - Updated: Improved escaping in template-tags.php. - Updated: Function thinkup_input_imagesnav() updated to improve image page pagination. = 1.2.3 - Updated: Support added for EDD to ensure purchase buttons display correctly on downloads page. = 1.2.2 - Fixed: jQuery for video responsive sizes updated to prevent issues when video sliders are used. = 1.2.1 - Updated: Improved translation in options.php. - Updated: Customizer theme option styling updated. = 1.2.0 - New: Page slider replaced with image slider. - New: Theme options replaced to use Customizer native options panel. - Updated: Various improvements to escaping. - Updated: Custom logo output returned instead of echoed directly within function. - Updated: 00.variables.php removed and with option values being called directly within the relevant functions. - Removed: Redux framework no longer used. = 1.1.9 - New: Version control now updated with use of global variable $thinkup_theme_version. - Updated: Description change to better reflect theme design. - Removed: imagesloaded folder removed and enqueued directly from core. = 1.1.8 - Fixed: Documentation display fixed to ensure compatibilty with WordPress v4.8. - Updated: Homepage (Featured) section customizer options display regardless of if switch is on or off. = 1.1.7 - Fixed: Improved escaping in background and gallery options fields. = 1.1.6 - New: Documentation link added to customizer. - New: Theme information page added under Appearance in admin area. = 1.1.5 - Updated: Custom image size names now translation ready. - Updated: Custom image size functions can now child theme friendly. = 1.1.4 - Updated: style-shortcodes.css updated. - Removed: Unnecesary translation wrappers removed from string containins no text in function thinkup_title_select(). = 1.1.3 - Updated: Function thinkup_check_ishome() updated to improve reliability with use of use wp_unslash. = 1.1.2 - Updated: Font Awesome updated to v4.7.0. - Removed: Outdated vesions of jQuery removed from prettyPhoto folder. = 1.1.1 - Updated: Improved escaping in framwork.php. - Updated: Unused code removed from extension_customizer.php. = 1.1.0 - Updated: Fully compatible with WordPress v4.7. = 1.0.15 - Fixed: Site text logo now outputs correctly. = 1.0.14 - New: Function thinkup_photon_exception() added to ensure theme theme bundled transparent.png image displays correctly when Jetpack Photon is activated. = 1.0.13 - Fixed: Double quotation marks removed from output of homepage section 3 link. Caused issues on some use sites. - Updated: Various spelling misakes in comments updated. - Updated: Improved escaping of outputs in 02.homepage.php. - Updated: Unnecessary Redux notices disabled to ensure they never display. - Updated: Function thinkup_check_ishome() updated to include redundant $pageurl line. = 1.0.12 - Fixed: prettyPhoto.js now fully compatible with https sites. - Updated: Font Awesome library updated to latest version v4.6.3. Ensures all icons in FA library are available to use. = 1.0.11 - Fixed: Custom Redux extensions now moved to folder main-extensions to ensure compatibility with Redux plugin. Ensures plugin and theme can be used without conflicting. - Updated: "ReduxFramework::$_url . 'assets/img/layout" changed to "trailingslashit( get_template_directory_uri() ) . 'admin/main/assets/img/layout". = 1.0.10 - Fixed: Correct sanitization used for menu links to ensure that output is displayed correctly. = 1.0.9 - Fixed: All Font Awesome icons in featured content sections now work correctly. - Fixed: Custom social media icons now applied to footer social media icons as well as header social media icons. - Fixed: Masonry script now output on all archive pages. Fixes issue where masonry layout didn't work on category and tags pages. - Fixed: Page titles escaping updating in main menu due to plugin conflicts (e.g. qTranslateX). Escaping not required as title is passed through apply_filters( 'the_title' ). - Updated: thinkup_input_wptitle() outputs at start of wp_head(). - Updated: All references to textdomain 'themecheck' changed to 'redux-framework'. - Updated: Theme tags updated to reflect new tags. Old rags will be removed once WP v4.6 is released and users can no longer filter with old tags. - Removed: Code for sc-progress removed from style.css as it's not being used and causes design issues. - Removed: Deregistered redux scripts removed for compliance with .org requirements 'wpb_ace' and 'jquerySelect2'. = 1.0.8 - Fixed: Checkbox field saves as as "off" when unticked. - Fixed: Switch field saves as as "off" when switched off. - Fixed: Validation removed from $check_logoset on line 17 in 01.general-settings.php. This variable is never output, do validation not required. - Fixed: Homepage slider now correctly outputs so that user with edit_theme_options right can see it. Visitors cannot see it on default activation. - Removed: alert( 'test000' ); removed from jquery.serializeForm.js. - Removed: //alert( 'test11-22' ); removed from extension_customizer.min.js. = 1.0.7 (not widely released) - New: Default theme options values saved in array thinkup_reduxvariables(). - Fixed: Checkbox field saves as as "off" when unticked. - Fixed: Switch field saves as as "off" when switched off. - Updated: Link to gmpg.org in header.php now compatible with https sites. - Updated: Theme options values retrieved using get_option(), where if variable doesn't exist in option then default value is used. - Removed: alert( 'test000' ); removed from jquery.serializeForm.js. - Removed: //alert( 'test11-22' ); removed from extension_customizer.min.js. = 1.0.6 - Fixed: Correct textdomain added to pagination function. - Fixed: get_option method removed to retrieve variable vlaues due to PHP errors. Now got using global variables set in 00.variables.php. Reverted back to pre v1.0.4. - Updated: Link to gmpg.org in header.php now compatible with https sites. - Removed: wp_reset_query() removed from template-sitemap.php. = 1.0.5 - Updated: esc_html() removed from line 361 in 02.homepage.php to prevent error on sites using PHP earlier than v5.5 = 1.0.4 - New: Title tag support added using native WordPress wp_title() feature. - Updated: 404 error code now translatable within 404.php file. - Updated: Various functions which are not currently being used have been removed. - Updated: All references to meta variables removed as these are not currently being used. - Updated: All variables where the value is not know with certainly now escaped on output. - Updated: All translatable strings which are output in html attributes escaped using esc_attr__(). - Updated: Links to widgets page changed from /wp-admin/widgets.php to esc_url( admin_url( 'widgets.php' ) ). - Updated: Theme options values no longer user global variables. Values pulled using get_option() within the function itself. - Removed: Twitter meta removed from header.php. - Removed: wp_reset_query() removed from archive.php, page.php and single.php. - Removed: 00.variables.php no longer required as variables values are pulled usin get_option() within function. = 1.0.3 - Fixed: Duplicate comma removed from line 1496 in options.php. Site now loads correctly. - Fixed: Check on whether site title and description removed. Now site title and description both output if user chooses to option in Site Identity. = 1.0.2 - New: Support added for WP v4.5 custom logo options. - Updated: Logo image width set to "auto". - Updated: Theme admin scripts only load on customizer page. - Updated: Upgrade button moved to active theme section of customizer. - Updated: Logo options removed from theme options section of customizer. - Updated: HTML will be stripped from description inputs to if added inline. - Updated: Pagination functionaity uses WP core function - the_posts_pagination(). - Updated: Various text strings in functions.php and 02.homepage.php internationalized. - Updated: Page name on archive pages output using WP core function - the_archive_title(). - Updated: Translation .pot file updated to take account of recent updates in core theme files. - Updated: Demo content only displays to users with atleast "edit_theme_options" rights. The user must actively switch on the sections (slider, featured content). - Updated: Description inputs in "Homepage (Featured)" changed from textarea to text fields to ensure it's clear that the input is intended only for minimal content. - Removed: Retina.js removed as it's no longer given custom_logo support. - Removed: Custom pagination function removed - thinkup_input_pagination(). = 1.0.1 - New: ThinkUpSlider replaced with 3 slide page slider. - Fixed: PHP notices fixed for comments form - changes made comments.php file. - Fixed: PHP notices fixed upgrade section in theme options - changes made field_thinkup_upgrade.php file. - Fixed: Custom titles now display correctly on mobile layouts. Issue previously caused titles to be squashed on smaller screens. - Fixed: Customizer theme options sections now fully scroll to the bottom. Previously sections with vertical scroll cut-off when using Firefox browser. - Updated: Margin added to alignleft and alignright classes. - Updated: Site preview does not move when customizer expands for theme options section. - Updated: Setting 'use_cdn' set to false in options.php to prevent loading of external resources. - Updated: Setting 'save_defaults' set to false to ensure no theme settings are saved on activation. - Updated: Homepage (Content) section renamed to Homepage (Featured) to make it clear that the section is intended for minimal content. - Updated: Upgrade information moved to theme options section to prevent confusion with 3rd party code which may also be using the customizer. - Removed: Favicon option removed from theme options. - Removed: Social sharing removed from blog section of theme options. = 1.0.0 - Initial release.